Friday, December 19, 2008

Festival of Trees...

Click to enlarge photo and notice all the handmade ornaments and beautiful tree skirt!

If you remember a few posts ago, I was involved in a project at the Sr. Center where I teach my classes. A group of us...Dawn, Margie, Eileen, Kay Rz, Mary and Lois, all spend time one day creating the ornaments. We did a little creating on our own, because one day just wasn't enough time...can you believe it?? The director of the Center, Linda, made the beautiful tree skirt to complete out little tree (only 30" tall). As a fundraiser, the Center had a raffle for the tree. They collected $100!!!
Thanks to our photographer, Dawn, for the photo...which I not-so-creatively edited to highlight the tree...
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penniem said...

Where are you Ellen? I'm in need of a new poist to your blog!

penniem said...

OOOOps, that should have read " a new post!"

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